How To Dispute Collection Accounts

In this video, we will teach you what to do to get a collection removed from your credit reports?

Ok, let's get started 

Let's start with the harsh truth. The odds of you being able to remove a collection account from your credit report if it is accurate are low.

There are steps that you can take in order to speed up the process. These steps are unlikely to succeed.

To find out where the negative items are, check all your credit reports.

You can determine if the account you are dealing with is genuine. If it is, it may be possible to have it deleted from your records.

You have three options: you can dispute the account (if inaccurate), call the collection agency to request a goodwill adjustment (if the account has been paid in full), or wait until the account is removed from your records.

Recognize that you might not be able to remove legitimate collections from credit reports.

1. All credit reports should be checked.

You can get one free credit report each year per credit bureau via

You can check all of your credit reports to find out if there is any negative information about the collection account you have found.

2. You must verify that your account is legitimate.

Do you owe the debt? Is it legitimate? It is likely that it will be difficult to remove it from your credit report. You may still be able to get the account removed via the dispute process if it is incorrect or not correct.

3. Select your preferred plan of action.

You have a number of options to deal with a collection account that is not on your credit report.

You can dispute the inaccurate collection account with every credit bureau reporting it. You can file complaints online with the consumer credit bureaus. You may also file disputes online with creditors and debt collectors (like credit card issuers). However, these disputes must be done by telephone or mail. You can send a 609 complaint letter by certified mail in this instance.

Contact the collection agency to ask for goodwill deletion. It is asking to have the account deleted because it was paid. Although it is unlikely to work, it may be worth trying. If you've never made credit mistakes in the past, a goodwill adjustment might be easier.

Wait. Even if a collection has been on your account for seven years, regardless of whether it was unpaid. Its impact on your score will diminish over time.

4. Be aware of your limitations

Although a collection account could severely affect your credit score, it is important to keep in mind that the impact will only last for a short time. If you manage your credit well, you will be able to recover quickly.

What length of time does a collection account stay on your credit reports?

 Even if a collection account has been paid or settled it won't be deleted from your credit report.

The Fair Credit Reporting Act allows credit bureaus to legally report the collection even after the account is paid.

A collection account, which can be described in another way, may remain on credit reports for as long as seven years after the original debt becomes 180 days past due.

Insider tip

You can file a 609 dispute correspondence regarding an account that is unauthorized, unverifiable, or not shown on your credit report. The credit bureaus will have to investigate the matter. They will have to delete the account from your credit reports if they are unable to verify it. This won't erase the debt, it only removes the credit record.

Is the Collection Agency going to remove a paid collection from your credit reports?

If you are wondering if you can request a collection agency remove a collection account from your credit report as part of a settlement, then you will likely be disappointed once again. This settlement is also known as "pay to delete" and it's not something collection agencies will agree to.

It makes sense, considering that it might encourage more people to repay old debts. Collection agencies won't usually agree to remove settled or paid accounts because major credit bureaus like Experian, TransUnion and Equifax ask them to not.

To obtain permission to include collecting information on credit reports, agencies enter into agreements with credit bureaus. Collection agencies can use negative collection information to put pressure on individuals to repay old debts. A collection agency might call and write about an old medical bill, but someone may not be concerned about it. However, if the old medical bill becomes a collection account and her credit score is reduced or she gets denied a loan it can make a big difference.

As mentioned above, credit bureaus and collection agencies have agreements in place to add delinquent accounts to credit reports. Collection agencies usually agree not to ask for the removal of inaccurate information because accounts have been paid. They should request the deletion only if the account is really inaccurate, as per their agreements.

Collection agencies do not want to lose their right to submit information to credit bureaus. It could make it unprofitable. Most collection agencies treat the agreements they sign with great care.

It might sound like it is illegal to cancel a collection account that has been paid before seven years have passed since the default date. However, this falsehood is true. Credit reporting is 100% voluntary. There is no law that requires businesses to provide information to credit bureaus.

Insider tip

Some credit scoring models like FICO Score 9 don't give paid collections as much weight in calculating credit scores. While this can help reduce damage from paid collections, lenders still use older scoring models which weigh collection accounts less.

What is the best way to get started with collection accounts?

Let's look at how collections accounts are placed on credit reports.

Stage 1: An Uncollectible Bill

An uncollectible bill, i.e. A medical bill, credit card bill or loan are all examples of uncollectible bills. Every original creditor and medical office has a policy about what to do with non-collectible debt.

The company could sell the account to a collector. The company might sell the account to a debt collector. Although it could write off the account and cease all collection efforts, that is not the norm.

Stage 2: A Collection Agency

Many creditors and medical offices wait for the original bill to be paid at least 120 days before they turn the account over or sell it to a collection agency. Some will even wait up to 180 days.

A new collection account will usually appear on the consumer's credit report within a few days after an account is sold or turned over to a collection agency. Some collections may only appear on one credit report. Reports with the three credit bureaus will include many more.

Insider tip

Collection agencies that buy debt are usually very aggressive in their collection efforts and will often purchase it for pennies per dollar. Sometimes collection agencies will even violate the law by threatening or lying to collect a debt.

Stage 3: The Creation of a Collection Account

Before granting you a credit extension or loan, future lenders will want to review your entire credit history. If you are approved for credit, your credit score and credit history will be used to calculate how much financing you can afford.

Any collection accounts, paid or not, on your credit report is a sign of high risk and is critical information that a lender should know. Even paid collections accounts can be kept on credit reports by lenders for up to seven years after the default date under the Fair Credit Reporting Act.

In summary

You can only get a collection account deleted from your credit report early. This is before the law requires credit bureaus to remove the account. You can challenge the incorrect information or out-of-date collection account to each credit bureau.

The FCRA requires that credit bureaus investigate any dispute you file. The collection agency will be able to verify the legitimacy of the account during the investigation. The collection agency must prove that the account is valid before it can be removed from credit reports. You may have difficulty getting an account deleted if it is being disputed by a collection agency. People sometimes have to call FCRA (Fair Credit Reporting Act), and FDCPA(Fair Debt Collection Practices Act), attorneys in order to get help.

As long as the collection account is on your credit report, it can negatively impact your FICO Scores. As time goes by, the negative effects of collection accounts diminish (assuming that there were any).

The consumer will be able to move on with their lives without worrying about the negative impact a collection account could have on their credit score. The best part is that collections with a zero balance are not considered by the VantageScore credit score or FICO 9. This means that once the collections are paid off or settled, and then updated by credit bureaus, they won't be taken into consideration again.

The only problem is that lenders aren’t yet using these new scoring models. Your lender may use an older scoring system that considers zero balance collections negative when you request financing.

This guide will help you learn more about your rights in relation to credit reporting and debt collection.

Insider tip

Do you need to fix your credit? Although you could hire a credit repair agency, it is likely that it will be cheaper to fix your bad credit yourself.

Most Frequently Asked Questions

What does a credit collection look like?

A collection account is started when a non-payment of a debt occurs. Although you are still responsible for the payment of the debt after it is sold, the collector agency usually takes the responsibility.

Although debts don't typically get transferred to collections as soon as you miss a payment, the period between the first payment and transfer may vary. It could take months or even never occur depending on which creditor.

After the debt is turned over to collection, the information about it will be reported to credit bureaus. The debt will appear on credit reports, which can damage credit scores until it is removed.

Is it possible to remove an item from your credit report without having to pay?

The technical answer to this question is "yes". It's unlikely, though.

You have a number of options. These are the exact same steps that you would use to cancel a payment account.

If you feel the collection account is incorrect, file a dispute with your credit bureau.

Send a letter of goodwill to the collection agency asking for the removal of the unpaid collection from your accounts if the account appears legitimate.

You're likely out of luck if any of the options fail. Remember that you are still responsible for any debts incurred even though a collection account has been removed from credit reports.
That's all for this video thanks for watching.
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How To Dispute Collection Accounts


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