Cybersecurity Is All About Data Recovery

Backups are the best way to protect your data against cybercriminals. However, they are only one part of the equation. It will only make matters worse if you are unable to retrieve your data quickly and easily. Learn why data retrieval is so important to your cybersecurity plan.

Cybersecurity Tip: Your best defense against a cyberattack is your backup

Ransomware continues its dominance in the computer security industry as more attacks are made and spread across all industries, including South Dakota. There is no business that is too small or too important to be a victim, regardless of its size and purpose. This includes schools, hospitals, manufacturers and school districts. Cyberattacks can even be directed at South Dakota’s rural clinics. Although the steps we’ve previously shared to protect your company from cyberattacks are helpful, they are not foolproof.

Cybercriminals constantly evolve their strategies and security measures, so best practices like cybersecurity training for your employees and 2FA everywhere are good options to protect your business. Cybercriminals know that if they can retrieve or recover your data, then they are no longer able to extort. Cybercriminals will use your computer to access your data and then encrypt or delete all backups they find.

They want to take away your ability to retrieve your data and force you to rely upon them to restore it… at a cost. Your business will eventually experience data loss, whether it is due to cyber-attacks, human error or natural disasters. A solid and consistent backup plan is the best way to protect your data. Although you should have a backup device, it is only one part of protecting your data. The second part is retrieving it.

The second step is to recover your data

If you can’t retrieve the data in your backup, what good is it? Cybercriminals will try to seperate you from your backup, as we have already mentioned. In the past, we have mentioned the 3-2-1 method for backing up data. Multiple backups are necessary to ensure that you can retrieve your data in the event of an attack or disaster. You don’t have a backup if you aren’t backing up to physical devices (hard drives or USB drives), in your office. These devices are portable and can be lost, stolen, or even broken. It is not a good idea to trust your backup to one device. What is the best way to do it? The correct method? The storage device should protect the data from hackers and make it almost impossible to steal it. Your encrypted backup data must be transferred to the cloud. This is the most important part. This means that you have three copies, one offsite and two onsite.

While it is important to use the cloud as a backup solution, not all cloud solutions can be used for recovery and backup. Most cloud solutions are not designed for backup and recovery. While file transfer and document collaboration services are great for their intended purpose, large data recovery is where they fail. Cloud storage, such as Microsoft OneDrive, Dropbox and Google Drive, is used to store additional files and make it easier for team members to share files. Cloud backup, on the other hand, is built from the ground up to recover files in case you lose them. Data retrieval is critical because file versioning allows you to retrieve your data from a point before it becomes compromised. If you are a ransomware victim, your data can be retrieved from an earlier, non-infected version.

Cloud backup can also automatically back up all your data, eliminating the need to manually select which files to be backed up. Your data is protected by cloud backup providers. Your files are encrypted on both transfer and storage. They also have redundant systems for data security in the event of an error. Cloud storage services can only encrypt your files on the server side. This makes it possible for cybercriminals to intercept data during data transfers. Consider the many applications that cloud computing can offer beyond cloud backup and storage when you are considering investing in a cloud solution. These additional cloud computing services are:

  • Cloud IT Solutions
  • Hosted Server
  • Hosted Desktop
  • Hardware virtualization
  • Edge Computing

Is your business equipped with a complete backup and recovery solution?

Cybersecurity is multi-tiered. Not only are there multiple services required to make cybersecurity work but every business is unique in the services they require. However, cybersecurity is only useful if your data can be backed up and retrieved. Your business is vulnerable to data loss due to either a natural disaster or bad actor. Cybercriminals depend on businesses having all their ducks in order, especially when it comes to data backup. Ransomware attacks are on the rise because cybercriminals understand their target audience’s behavior.

Many businesses are plagued by the lack of a comprehensive cybersecurity program. Inability to recover data can cause serious damage to your business’ long-term survival. Most companies that experience a data loss are not able to recover their data. You should now invest in data backup and recovery solutions. SpartanTec, Inc. is a top cybersecurity expert and can help you comply with and exceed industry and state cybersecurity recommendations. It pays to stay ahead of the curve when it comes to protecting your data. Myrtle Beach has one of the most stringent data breach laws in the Union.

Call SpartanTec, Inc. today to set up a meeting to discuss how you can develop a cybersecurity strategy that is right for your company.

SpartanTec, Inc.
Wilmington, NC 28412
(910) 218-9255

Serving: Myrtle BeachNorth Myrtle BeachColumbiaWilmingtonFayettevilleFlorence, Charleston


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